Help veterans experiencing homelessness transition into civilian society.
“Yesterday we depended on them, today they depend on us.” - J.D. Simpson Co-Founder
Our Mission:
Three Hots & A Cot will serve those who have served.
We will provide a place for homeless veterans to receive the assistance they need to transition back to civilian society.
Each veteran will be treated with the dignity and respect due to every member of our armed services.
Without regard to race, creed, color, or religious background, any veteran who seeks our assistance will be afforded the opportunity our services offer.
We’ve assisted 1,788 veterans and family members and counting.
Ways to Help
Buy a Meal
A way to help is by giving the veterans a meal, may be it you cook and deliver a meal, donate for groceries for the house, or COVID-pending, make something at the house and spend time with the troops!
Keep the Lights On
Utilities for multiple houses can get costly do a donation of any sort is always welcome. You can opt to do a single donation or set up a recurring monthly donation. Everything is greatly appreciated.
Volunteer and Services
Never underestimate one ability to help. Volunteering to help at one of the facilities, with events, or get your company involved as well.